NOSTRA network of straits

What is Nostra Project ?

Nostra follows the overall objective of preservation of biodiversity and natural heritage.

From exchanges of experiences and best practices, the project aims at studying the necessary governance tools to ensure a sustainable development of straits and to develop their functions as gateways to hinterlands and to external territories around the issues of economic development, transport, tourism and biodiversity. By searching ways to improve the governance between the two banks of a strait, the aim is to enable the authorities to enhance effective public policies, at the local, national and European levels, that will both allow economic development of the area and preserve the biodiversity.

Straits are narrow arms of the sea bordered by land which combine various geographic characteristics: they are traffic crossroads, between the two banks and through them they are both maritime and terrestrian areas.Besides they concentrate several issues that are tightly interrelated and have to be tackled altogether: transport, tourism, economic development, but also preservation of biodiversity, maritime safety… All the straits of Europe have those issues in common and try to face them with their own tools and experiments. For instance, three straits have implemented binational entities; others have signed conventions or agreements in order to give a formal framework to their cooperation. All partners have the same concern of both issues: advocating the economic development of the area but with respect for the environment and the biodiversity.

Find out more about NOSTRA project and its partners watching this Prezi presentation made for the final conference of the project!


Implementation plan of the Province of Reggio Calabria

A launching event was organised in the strait of Messina on 7th July 2015. [Read more]


NOSTRA project features were presented by Pas-de-Calais County Council to French stakeholders on 12th May in Paris. [Read more]

Perspectives for the cooperation after NOSTRA

The "Perspective paper for the future of the cooperation" is now available! [Read more]

Newsletter n°4 - November 2014

This newsletter includes information on the final conference and on the main results of the project. [Read more]

Final conference of the project

On 22nd October 2014, the partners of NOSTRA have celebrated the end of the project in Brussels. [Read more]

NOSTRA Guide of Good Practices

The good practices guide gathers the 50 good practices that have been identified all along the three years of NOSTRA project. [Read more]

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Pas-de-Calais County Council
Europe and International Department
Rue Ferdinand Buisson
62009 ARRAS Cedex 9
Phone: 00 33 (0)3 21 21 92 05


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Copyright 2012 Pas-de-Calais le Département